Wednesday, November 5, 2008

California Voters Pass Ban on Gay Marriage

Voters in California pass Proposition 8, which overturns the state Supreme Court decision that granted same-sex couples marital rights.

Of course this legislation is an awful deafeat for gay right activitists who have fought effortlesslyy against public opinion.

Read more about the issue here.

Yes. I know, I can't believe I'm directing you to Fox News either.

*My Personal Opinion*I have mixed emotions about the outcome of the same-sex marriage. I'm an avid supporter of separation of church and state. So, my religion tells me the implementation of Proposition 8 is a good thing. However, as a liberal, I believe in civil rights and I believe in equality and I understand that imposing my religion on others is not a justification. Afterall, it was not too long ago when Whites used the bible as a justification for enslaving blacks and subjecting them to heinous physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. However, at the end of the day, I firmly believe that God's will has been done.

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