Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What to do with that tax refund??

1. Save it ( personally my favorite option)
Being frugal is totally "in" right now and spending money for no reason is "out." If you file your taxes on Turbo Tax, you can directly deposit your check into 2 different accounts. Try to put at least 25% of your refund in your savings and the rest in your checking. And if you don't have a savings account think of this as the perfect time to open one. You may not want to save now, but this will definitely benefit you in the future. Save it for a "rainy day", emergency stash, vacation funds, grad school, or a house. The possibilities are endless!

2. Take a vacation
The best thing about refunds is everyone gets one around the same time, so get a couple of your best girlfriends or your boo and take a trip. Cruises and all inclusive vacations are really cheap now, not to mention airline are reducing prices on tickets (they still need to get rid of that ridiculous baggage fee...). Travelocity has a some great deals, like 3 nights at the Bellagio plus flight from $316!!! Or just take a road trip to the closet big city or outdoor place near you. Better yet, go to the Hamptons!
Travelocity Las Vegas deals:,,TRAVELOCITY|2141|pkg_main,00.html

3. Donate to your favorite charity
You should donate out of the goodness of your heart, but you can also get a tax deduction when you donate. If you don't want to donate your money, then donate about $50 dollars of your time (that should equate to 2 hours) to a place in your city. Volunteer Match is a great site to find out what places need volunteers:

4. Splurge on the 1 thing you've really wanted
Just go for it; buy that new designer bag, KitchenAid mixer, Jimmy Choos, front row concert tickets, or some 1000 thread-count Egyptian cotton bed sheets. And make sure you feel good about the purchase, you know, the kind you will never regret and never want to return.

5. Pamper yourself
As women, we work hard and rarely have time to seriously take care of ourselves. Use some of your refund to get completely pampered at the best salon or spa in town. That's right, don't go to Aveda this time; go to a place that serves you tea and gives you fluffy robes! Get a message, facial, manicure, cut, color, or your eye brows done; get the works. And always ask about packages.

1 comment:

Beautylicious said...

I will definitely try the Vegas package, that sounds fun.