Monday, August 3, 2009

My new approach to job searching cont...

Yes, the search for employment continues! Another week, another round of hustling, web searching, emailing, and applying. Remember how I said I was trying to meet with people in person, even if they don't have a job opening posted? Well, the best thing I've learned about this is not to get discouraged if the person says they don't have any openings now, because they could have openings later. And if they say "send me you resume and keep me posted on your progress", then send them your resume no later 2 days after you meet them and a short email every 2 to 3 weeks letting them know how things are going. Building relationships is essential when job searching because sometimes its not what you know, but who you know. When employers do have openings later, you'll be one of the first people to find out.

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